Channels of Blessing Offering
The annual Channels of Blessing Offering is how Women’s Esprit funds WE events and programs such as the Women of Wisdom Scholarship, Princess Within Conferences, Deluge, and a variety of other helpful services and initiatives. The Channels of Blessing Offering is used in the following ways:
  • 20% Beirut Bridge of Hope
  • 20% WE
  • 10% Deluge
  • 10% PW Prison
  • 10% Loss of a Child Network
  • 10% GMC
  • 5% Women of Wisdom
  • 5%  Benevolence
  • 5%  Evangelist
  • 5%  KidzQuest

The form below is provided for your convenience if you would like to donate. Donations made through this site will be recorded towards district giving totals, and individuals can give with the full assurance that your gift is tax deductible. This does not include a 3% electronic processing fee.

"*" indicates required fields

If this donation is for a specific offering or use, please tell us here.